BLOGS  >  FEBRUARY 20, 2024

Boosting Library Efficiency: The Indispensable Role of Asset Management Software for K-12 Librarians

Asset management software is crucial for Grades K-12 librarians as it simplifies the tasks of managing and tracking the multitude of resources within a library. With the right software, librarians can easily categorize books, keep track of checkouts and returns, and manage digital resources. This makes the library more efficient, enabling librarians to focus on assisting students and enhancing the learning environment. Furthermore, asset management software helps maintain an accurate inventory, reduces the risk of loss or misplacement of books, and provides valuable data for budgeting and planning. Thus, asset management software is an invaluable tool for every school librarian.

Simplifying the Cataloging Process 
“Cataloging has been a breeze with Accessit. We’ve thoroughly tested it with several large new book orders.” – Sierra Whiting, Library Literacy Teacher, Santa Paula Unified School District

Asset management software can transform your library experience. Accessit Library, a library management system designed to support your entire school or district, helps transform the library experience by simplifying the cataloging process for everyone. Students who see a new book waiting to be cataloged can have it in their hands in minutes instead of days or weeks because Accessit helps librarians process books quickly and easily. The software also offers an automated feature for cataloging larger batches.

For example, if you order a box of books from the Library, you can give the box a batch number and scan them all at once. The Override Type and Replace All feature within Accessit makes the books in each batch easily identifiable as National Library items when issuing and returning them. It also makes them accessible to students right away because they aren’t waiting for you to process each book individually. Before you return the books, you can search for the batch, track down any missing items, and leave the records in your system for future use. 

Efficiency in Record Management
 “The way records show up as a list that can be quickly sorted and filtered is amazing. Once records are imported, we can see them on the screen immediately and deal with any issues right then and there. I have never seen a system with that ability.” – Stacy Cameron, MLS, Library Services & Instructional Materials Coordinator, New Caney ISD

Asset management software can streamline the process of book returns, making it less time-consuming for librarians. Accessit includes features that enable librarians to keep track of which books are overdue and who has them, reducing the chances of books being lost or forgotten. One popular Accessit feature is borrower synchronization. This option enables librarians to import and update each student’s year, level, class, and contact details via the student management system, saving time and increasing the accuracy of the library records. A high school librarian who uses this feature says it is “always easier than anticipated.”

With the detailed tracking of book returns, librarians can gain insights into borrowing patterns and make informed decisions for future book purchases and library management. The software can also assist in tracking the condition of returned books, helping to maintain the quality of library resources.

Impact on Book Returns 
 “Accessit notifies me regarding books that have been placed on hold and any new updates. It makes sending overdue notices so easy and since using Accessit is the first time I have received email responses from students. A huge plus is the ability for users to renew their books themselves online through "My Borrowing Details." – Stephanie DeYoung, Teacher Librarian, MSLIS, Everett Alvarez High School

My librarians say they can really see a difference with books coming back in. When the parent gets a letter saying, ‘Your student has a book overdue, please bring it back,’ the librarians can tell a difference.” ­– Pam Barrett, Director of Library & Information Resources, Amarillo ISD

Asset management software should make it easy for librarians to track and retrieve overdue books and other library resources. Accessit lets you send automated reminder emails and notifications about overdue books to students and parents. These notifications serve as friendly reminders, encouraging prompt returns and reducing the number of overdue books.

The software also allows easy updating of the status of the books once they are returned, keeping the inventory up to date. It helps librarians keep an accurate inventory of books, preventing any possible losses or misplacement. Automatic updates about the condition of returned books can help librarians maintain the quality of library resources, notifying them when books need repair or replacement.

For students, notifications about due dates, holds, and reservation statuses improve the borrowing experience, ensuring they have access to the materials they need when they need them.

Innovative Ways of Showcasing Library Resources
We’ve very much enjoyed beginning to create dashboards for students and faculty and look forward to showcasing library resources in that way.” – Sierra Whiting, Library Literacy Teacher, Santa Paula Unified School District

An asset management system should offer innovative ways to showcase library resources. This is crucial for K-12 librarians so they can increase the visibility and accessibility of resources, sparking students’ interests and curiosity throughout the school year and beyond. 

Accessit helps you create attractive, interactive displays of books and other resources that can make the library more appealing to students. By showcasing the diverse range of books and digital materials available, librarians can encourage a broader scope of reading, research, and exploration among students. These innovative methods can also include interactive elements, such as digital book reviews, author interviews, or virtual reading clubs, fostering a more engaging and dynamic learning environment. Ultimately, these innovative showcases benefit both the library and the students, enhancing the utility of the library and enriching students’ learning experiences.

Accessit also features interactive dashboards that let you visually display book titles, categorized by genre, author, topic, or popularity, and create custom sections like New Arrivals or Staff Picks. These dashboards can be updated in real time, providing students with an engaging way to explore the library’s offerings.

Another feature, One Search, integrates resources from different platforms, making all materials accessible in one place and easy to display. Some librarians use One Search to set up thematically related databases to support teaching and learning goals while using the appropriate resources available to the library.

Lastly, Accessit supports multimedia content, enabling librarians to augment traditional book displays with digital resources such as eBooks, audiobooks, videos, and more. These innovative features enhance the visual appeal of the library’s offerings and make them more accessible to students and staff.

Ease of Use and Flexibility 
This system is new to me and has been pretty easy to navigate. I like that it is generally easy to add new books and batch change part of the record through the quick scan list feature.” – Erin Broderick, Library Teacher, Moses Brown School

“Having a way to make a good stopping place and be able to pick up where you left off is really important. There’s definitely some flexibility that we appreciate.” – Jason M. Bloom, MLIS, Co-Director & Upper School Librarian, Moses Brown School 

An asset management system should be flexible and easy to use. Librarians love Accessit because it features intuitive interfaces that are easy to navigate and master, minimizing the learning curve and enabling efficient use of all its functionalities. Accessit is also flexible, giving librarians the power to customize it to meet the needs of their school or library, such as adjusting book loan durations, modifying user permissions, or setting up custom categories for books and resources.

If you need to send out notifications for overdue books, auto-update your inventory after book returns, Accessit can do that, too. The software’s automation capabilities make it easy to streamline tasks. With equally robust search functionalities, librarians quickly locate resources or student records, saving time and effort.

Accommodating Digital and Online Resources 
“I like the fact that you can embed links and digital resources. It’s easy to stash those in there and retrieve them later.” – Jason M. Bloom, MLIS, Co-Director and Upper School Librarian, Moses Brown School 

Asset management software can help you manage and retrieve digital and online resources. Accessit provides a centralized repository for these types of assets, making it easy for librarians and students to locate and access the materials they want. Plus, with advanced search functionalities, users can quickly find resources by title, author, genre, or keywords.

Here are a few more ways Accessit supports digital and online resources:

  • eBooks, online articles, and digital media can be cataloged and organized efficiently, facilitating effortless navigation and retrieval.
  • The system can track usage statistics for digital resources, offering insights into which materials are popular and which are underutilized.
  • The software often allows for resource sharing among students and teachers, promoting collaboration and interactive learning.
  • The system can manage access permissions for digital resources, ensuring they are used appropriately and responsibly.

Accessit can also send automatic updates about new digital resources, keeping students and staff informed about the latest additions to the library.

Saving Money and Improving the Library Experience
Asset management software is indispensable for today’s K-12 librarians. As you look to add a new system or replace your existing one, consider Accessit, the library management system designed to support your entire school or district, streamline workflows, and help you build a connected community of learners.

  • Boosting Efficiency: Accessit turns your library into a central hub that connects and integrates all your school’s existing systems. 
  • Operational Excellence: Accessit automates your day, giving you time to focus on what is important to you.
  • A Powerful Copilot: Accessit is highly customizable. You are in control of its innovative functionality. 
  • Highly Interactive: Accessit helps you drive success. Create reading lists, issue and return books from the classroom, find class resources, and support students’ research on databases such as EBSCO, Britannica, Gale, LibGuides, and many more. 

Accessit offers your school a cutting-edge, secure learning platform that gives you the connectivity, visibility, and flexibility you need for resource discovery and management. Thanks to an easy and fast implementation, it enhances your library and non-library resource distribution in ways that work for the entire school community.

Learn more about Accessit Library.


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