At ISTE20 LIVE—Virtually

Mon. December 14, 2020

The recent ISTE20 LIVE conference (Nov 29-Dec 5) was more than just a virtual happening. It was an imperative, a must-do, failure-is-not-an-option, stand-and-deliver event. The conference was a successful demonstration of what so many have pushed for, for so long. And while some may have experienced it as less than an absolute slam dunk, I found it to be of high quality and very much just what we need now. In a number of ways, it was defining of the state of Education and predictive of important things to come. What follows is one edtech veteran’s conference experiences, reflections, and musings about significant ‘nexts’

Follett – I have a special appreciation for resource providers who apply technology to traditional learning needs, not to give them just a digital age freshening or to get more mileage out of practices that really should be replaced, but that bring them fully into the digital age, lending them expanded relevance and efficacy, no small accomplishment. Follett has long grabbed my attention in this way…

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