Reduce Cost and Increase Efficiency with Destiny Resource Manager

Thu. March 9, 2023

In a recent survey, we asked some of our customers “What are some of the biggest asks in your district?”

The three responses we heard most often were: 

To reduce cost,To reduce the number of vendors and contracts when possible,And increase efficiency with the tools your district owns.Reducing Cost
Follett Destiny® Resource Manager is designed to support district administrators with managing, tracking, and reporting on a district’s resources. The platform is designed to easily support a district’s management of their technology resources, textbooks, curriculum materials, special education resources and more – items that aren’t currently supported through the district’s library management software.

It’s a scalable system with a pricing structure by site so you can spread the cost of Destiny Resource Manager across multiple departments. Which means, the more resources you put into the system, the higher return on your investments.

For example, some customers may start with just one category of resources. Maybe you start with one-to-one devices, then move to curriculum, then into athletics, or Special Education materials­. The choice is yours. 

The data and reporting available in Resource Manager can also help save your district money. It provides accountability, security, and reporting of any asset you choose to include. This gives insight into your resources – their location, status, history, and additional valuable information. 

Reducing the Number of Vendors and Contracts 
Logging on across multiple sites and systems can lead to a world of issues: problems with vendor communication, tech support woes, data not fully integrating, and difficulty in seeing a full spectrum.

Follett is one of the only vendors that offers comprehensive PreK-12 solutions through one vendor. This provides you with one place to log on, one place to call for technical support, and one place to talk to your representatives.   

Improving Efficiency
When a school district subscribes to both Follett Destiny® Library Manager and Resource Manager they experience improved efficiency for students and staff. Students can work within the same system as staff, and it provides staff with increased visibility for both district resources and library materials.

All these advantages benefit districts and sites by saving you time and money while becoming more efficient. The Destiny software is a proven PreK-12 solution designed to meet your needs wherever you want to start. 

Interested in learning more about Destiny Resource Manager? You can find more information here.

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